Phoebe Evans (b.2000, Bath, United Kingdom) isa painter living and working in London.Her practiseutilises magic realism to draw on the process of the sublime and the liminal. Harmonizing colour andexploring perspective, the environments become a fantasy of reality.The attentionto atmosphereandtonality,however, is whatpushes these paintings away from the known and into an abstractspace.The beguiling huesandsoft brushworkshiftstheworktotheconcept of thelimitlessness andthe endless possibility of dreaming minds.Saturated monochromes are used to reimagine vivid dreamscapes. These invitetheaudience to viewthe fragments of space and time through a tinted lens. Evans’ practise is a vessel for translating thesubconscious space, taking an uncertain and intangible place into an array of surrealist rooms.Portals are created through doors and windowsinto parallelsthat are as complex as the reality weshare. They are familiar yet distant, allowing you to place and lose yourself within the work. Tone andlight enrich the atmosphere,to becomea translationof static moments and fragmentations of spacein the artists life.Evansholds a BA in PaintingfromCamberwellcollege of arts, London (2022) and an MA in Paintingfrom the Royal College of Art, London (2023).

Phoebe Evans crafts surreal worlds, blending reality and dreams with harmonious colors and captivating atmospheres, inviting viewers into sublime and endless possibilities

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